The 2025 Tasmanian State Championship Minor Division hosted by Launceston Chess Club.

International Women's Day Blitz
International Women’s Day Blitz hosted by Launceston Chess Club.

The 2025 Tasmanian State Championship hosted by Launceston Chess Club.

Tasmanian Summer Team Championship 2024
This is a closed event with invitation to players who compete in the Northern Summer Team Championship and Southern Summer Team Championship. Top 2 placers in those teams will compete in division 1 of the State Championship, where bottom 2 teams will compete in division 2 of the State Championship. For information on those tournaments please see below.
3 round Teams Round Robin.
30 minutes plus 30 seconds per move per player from move 1.
Tournament shall be both FIDE and ACF rated. Note: Games shall only be FIDE rated where both players are under 1800 rated.
Team seeds shall be selected by lot.
Board number shall be selected by rating order, where a player does not have a rating, board number shall be determined by organizers.
Teams will consist of 4 players, as well as up to 2 reserves.
There will be 2 divisions. Divisions will follow the same schedule and rules.
Saturday the 14th of December
Round 1 - 10:00am
Team 2 vs Team 1
Team 3 vs Team 4
Round 2 - 1:00pm
Team 4 vs Team 2
Team 1 vs Team 3
Round 3 - 4:00pm
Team 4 vs Team 1
Team 2 vs Team 3
1st Place in Division 1: Perpetual State Champion Trophy, as well as Medals for team members.
1st Place in Division 2: Perpetual State Plate, as well as Medals for team members.
Official DOP: Carl Gorka
Assistant DOP: To Be Confirmed
Chief Arbiter: Zach Lim
Additional Arbiters: To Be Confirmed
FIDE Laws 2018 apply – ringing mobiles will incur automatic loss. Entrants agree to abide by all decisions of the organisers and arbiters. The organisers reserve the right to make any changes required.
Southern Summer Team Championship 2024
3 round Teams Round Robin.
30 minutes plus 30 seconds per move per player from move 1.
Tournament shall be both FIDE and ACF rated. Note: Games shall only be FIDE rated where both players are under 1800 rated.
Team seeds shall be selected by lot.
Board number shall be selected by rating order, where a player does not have a rating, board number shall be determined by organizers.
Teams will consist of 4 players, as well as up to 2 reserves. Teams will play in both regionals and states. For information on states see below.
Saturday the 16th of November
Round 1 - 10:00am
Team 2 vs Team 1
Team 3 vs Team 4
Round 2 - 1:00pm
Team 4 vs Team 2
Team 1 vs Team 3
Round 3 - 4:00pm
Team 4 vs Team 1
Team 2 vs Team 3
To be held at Hobart Chess Club - click Accessing the Venue for more information.
Team captains will enter teams to James Briant by email. Please do this by the 10th of November. If you are interested in playing for a team, consider talking to James Briant or Chris Shepherd.
Entry is $100 per team. This covers entry to the Regional Championship as well as the State Championships.
Funds will go covering tournament costs, and then any remaining will go the the TCA as fundraiser.
1st Place: Perpetual Southern Champion Trophy, as well as Medals for team members.
1st and 2nd Place: Entry into the State Teams Championship Division 1
3rd and 4th Place: Entry into the State Teams Championship Division 2
Official DOP: James Briant
Assistant DOP: Chris Shepherd
Chief Arbiter: To Be Confirmed
Additional Arbiters: To Be Confirmed
FIDE Laws 2018 apply – ringing mobiles will incur automatic loss. Entrants agree to abide by all decisions of the organisers and arbiters. The organisers reserve the right to make any changes required.
Northern Summer Team Championship 2024
The 2024 Summer team championship for Northern Tasmania! A placement into the State Teams Championship.

The Huon Valley Chess Festival 2024
Huon Valley Chess is proud to announce that we will be hosting the 2024 edition of the Huon Valley Chess Festival

Tasmanian Winter Chess Festival
Tasmanian Winter Chess Festival
The Tasmanian Winter Chess Festival offers two days of chess competition and learning for players of all skill levels. The festival features a FIDE rated rapid tournament, variant blitz tournaments, and a lecture by Grandmaster Anton Smirnov. Participants can also challenge GM Anton Smirnov in a simultaneous tournament, where multiple people will play him at the same time.
Saturday July 6th:
Entries Close - 12:55 pm
Opening Ceremony - 1:00pm (please arrive in time for this)
Rapid Rounds 1-4
Round One - 1:30 pm
Round Two - 2:00 pm
Round Three - 2:30 pm
Round Four - 3:00 pm
Break (~60 minutes)
King of the Hill Blitz - 4:30 pm
Simultaneous - 5:30 pm
Venue will stay open until 9:30pm for casual games.
SUNDAY July 7th
Mayhem Blitz Tournaments
Round One - 9:30 am
Round Two - 9:55 am
Round Three - 10:20 am
Round Four - 10:45 am
Lecture - 11:10 am
Break (~40 minutes)
Rapid Rounds 5-7
Round Five - 12:50 pm
Round Six - 1:20 pm
Round Seven - 1:50 pm
Prize Ceremony
FESTIVAL Events Details:
The rapid will be a 7 round tournament with a time control of 10 minutes and 2 second increment. It will be both FIDE rated and ACF rated.
The mayhem blitz will be a tournament where the board starts from a different set position each round. The position will be an even position, with lots of imbalances. You will play your opponent twice, once as white and once as black. The starting position will be given 2 minutes before each round begins. The time control will be 3 minutes with 2 seconds increment.
King of the Hill Blitz
The king of the hill blitz will be a blitz tournament following King of the Hill rules. It is the same as normal chess, but you can also win by getting your king to the central 4 squares (e4, e5, d4 and d5). The time control will be 3 minutes with 2 seconds increment.
Grandmaster Anton Smirnov will be giving a lecture. All ages and skill levels are welcome. The lecture will go for approximately an hour.
Grandmaster Anton Smirnov will be giving a simultaneous against 30 players. Please note entry to this is separate to main festival entry.
Entry and costs
All entries must be done online.
Entry to the main festival will be $65 for all competitors. This will guarantee entry to all events.
Entries to the simultaneous will be FREE to all, thanks to an anonymous sponsor paying for the costs of running it, please sign up for it below if you would like to enter as there are only 40 seats available.
You do not need to be playing in the main tournament to play in the Simultaneous, sign ups to the simul are free but still required.
The prize pool is currently $4250, for more details on the prizes and other details find them over on the events dedicated website click here to find out more.
7 round Swiss. 30 minutes plus 30 seconds per move per player from move 1.
Saturday the 29th of June:
Welcome and Registration: 10:00am
Round 1: 10:30am
Round 2: 12:30pm
Round 3: 2:30pm
Round 4: 4:30pm
Sunday the 30th of June:
Round 5: 9:30am
Round 6: 11:30am
Round 7: 1:30pm
Prize giving to be held at 4pm
Under-18: Year of birth 2006 or after
Under-16: Year of birth 2008 or after
Under-14: Year of birth 2010 or after
Under-12: Year of birth 2012 or after
Under-10: Year of birth 2014 or after
Under-8: Year of birth 2016 or after
Note: Players can play up in divisions if they would like, but prior approval from organizers will need to be granted.
All entries must be done below on the Black Square Chess website.
All moves will be required to be recorded to the best of the individual's ability from under 10-up.
As junior's have rarely recorded their moves before, the ruling will be upheld as much as possible.
If players are able to notate their whole (or majority) of the game, coaches will be available for post-game analysis.
If on the day you are unable to attend, please contact the organizer by text immediately.
Any enquiries, please message James on 0404181451 or blacksquarechess@hotmail.com

Simul by GM Samy Shoker at HCC
Simultaneous Exhibition by GM Samy Shoker at The Hobart Chess Club ….

The 2024 Tasmanian State Championship hosted by Launceston Chess Club.

The Tasmanian Rapid Junior Chess Championships

The 2023 Launceston Chess Club’s Northern Champions will be held on December 2, from 9:30 a.m.

The Huon Valley Chess Festival
Huon Valley Chess is proud to announce that we will be hosting the 2023 edition of the Huon Valley Chess Festival on 4 and 5 November 2023 (with over $10,000.00 in prize money).

Premier Junior chess event for 2023 - The Tasmanian Junior Chess Championships

The 2023 Tasmanian Lightning Championships will be held at the Vinnes Community Hub, Somerset, on Saturday the 12th of August. 9 Round Swiss, players of all ages and abilities welcome.
Registrations close at 6:30pm on the day.

Tony Sturges Memorial Tournament
The 9th Sturges Memorial (set positions theme tournament) will be on in Hobart on Anzac Day….

The 2022 Tasmanian Championships will be held in Carrick, near Launceston on The March Long weekend.