Over the weekend of the 23 and 24th of September the 2023 Tasmanian Junior Championships were held at Sacred Heart College in New Town Hobart. The event was organized and run by Blacksquare Chess, over 110 players competed for titles across five different age groups. The results: -
1st - James Wang 7/7
2nd - Yien Zheng 5/7
3rd - Will Lockyer 5/7
1st Girl – Zoe Meredith 6/7
2nd Girl – Lottie Morgan 3.5/7
3rd Girl – Charlotte Bonde 3.5/7
1st - Travis Liddell 7/7
2nd – Kyler Wang 6/7
3rd – Le Nguyen 5/7
Under 12
1st – Amartya Shenoy 7/7
2nd – Luca Giannakopolous 5.5/7
3rd – Angus Hewitt 5/7
1st Girl – Jessica Hu 5.5/7
2nd Girl – Carina Wu 3.5/7
Full player list and details - Tornelo 2023-tasmanian-junior-u8-10-12
L-R: Will Rumley, Khanh Nguyen, Himash Keerthiratne, Amartya Shenoy, Travis Liddell, James Wang, Zoe Meredith, Jessica Hu, Darcy Sutton
Under 14
1st - Himash Keerthiratne
2nd - Matthew Soriano
3rd - Lachlan Hughes
1st Girl – Darcy Sutton
2nd Girl – Nilu Jiang
Tasmanian Under14 Champs
New Town, Hobart, TAS - 23/09/2023, 24/09/2023
Cross Table at round 7 sorted by score
Pos NAME Rtg T Fed Pts | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | BH BH-C1
1 Keerthiratne,Himash 1762 TAS 6.5 | +W11 +B12 +W5 +B2 +W6 =B4 +W7 | 28.5 25.5
2 Soriano,Matthew 815 TAS 5.5 | +W18 +B16 +B13 -W1 =B7 +W8 +W4 | 26.0 24.5
3 Hughes,Lachlan 0 TAS 5.0 | -W5 +B15 +W16 -B4 +W19 +B14 +B6 | 22.5 21.0
4 Prieto,Esteban 1295 TAS 4.5 | -B12 +W11 +B8 +W3 +B5 =W1 -B2 | 31.5 28.5
5 Sutton,Darcy 830 TAS 4.5 | +B3 +W19 -B1 +W12 -W4 =BYE +B13 | 27.5 26.0
6 Sharma,Vihaan 674 TAS 4.0 | +B9 =W8 =B7 +W13 -B1 +B17 -W3 | 29.0 26.5
7 Cassidy,Samuel 0 TAS 4.0 | -W14 +B10 =W6 +B19 =W2 +B11 -B1 | 27.5 26.0
8 Wilkins,Luka 0 TAS 4.0 | +W20 =B6 -W4 =B14 +W15 -B2 +W17 | 23.5 22.0
9 Medina,Xavier 0 TAS 4.0 | -W6 +B20 -W12 -B11 +W18 +B15 +W14 | 18.5 17.0
10 Giannakopoulos,Alex 0 TAS 4.0 | -B13 -W7 -W15 +B18 +W16 +B20 +W11 | 18.0 16.5
11 England,Oscar 0 TAS 3.0 | -B1 -B4 +W18 +W9 +B13 -W7 -B10 | 27.5 26.0
12 Fan,Wentong 0 TAS 3.0 | +W4 -W1 +B9 -B5 -W14 -W13 +B19 | 27.0 25.5
13 Foster,Eric 887 TAS 3.0 | +W10 +B14 -W2 -B6 -W11 +B12 -W5 | 27.0 24.0
14 Payne,Harrison 0 TAS 3.0 | +B7 -W13 =B17 =W8 +B12 -W3 -B9 | 25.5 23.0
15 Crowley,Solomon 0 TAS 2.5 | -B19 -W3 +B10 +W17 -B8 -W9 =B16 | 23.5 22.0
16 Skala,Maximilian 0 VIC 2.5 | +B17 -W2 -B3 -W20 -B10 +W19 =W15 | 22.5 21.0
17 Cukier-O'Brien, Memphis 0 TAS 2.5 | -W16 +B18 =W14 -B15 +B20 -W6 -B8 | 19.0 17.5
18 Jiang,Nilu 0 TAS 2.0 | -B2 -W17 -B11 -W10 -B9 +BYE +W20 | 21.0 20.5
19 Skala,Ari 0 VIC 1.5 | +W15 -B5 =W20 -W7 -B3 -B16 -W12 | 23.0 21.5
20 Dhakal,Deepansu 0 TAS 1.5 | -B8 -W9 =B19 +B16 -W17 -W10 -B18 | 20.0 18.5
21 Capaci,Noah (W) 0 TAS 0.0 | -- -- -- -- -- -- -- | 17.5 16.5
1st – Khanh Nguyen
2nd – Riley Bowden
3rd - Will Dunbabin
Under 18
1st – Will Rumley
2nd - Jonty Oud
3rd – Louise Ford
Tasmanian Junior Champs
New Town, Hobart, TAS - 23/09/2023, 24/09/2023
Cross Table at round 7 sorted by score
Pos NAME Rtg T Fed Pts | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | BH BH-C1
1 Rumley,William (W) 1900 TAS 6.0 | +W5 +B9 +W2 +B4 +W3 +B6 -- | 33.0 30.0
2 Nguyen,Khanh 0 TAS 6.0 | +B3 +W8 -B1 +W7 +W4 +B5 +B11 | 29.5 26.5
3 Bowden,Riley 0 TAS 5.0 | -W2 +B10 +W5 +B12 -B1 +W8 +W4 | 29.0 26.5
4 Oud,Jonty 1362 TAS 4.0 | +B8 +W6 +B7 -W1 -B2 +W9 -B3 | 31.5 28.5
5 Dunbabin,William 0 TAS 4.0 | -B1 +W11 -B3 +W6 +B7 -W2 +B13 | 29.5 28.5
6 Carlos,Quincy 0 TAS 4.0 | +W10 -B4 +W9 -B5 +W12 -W1 +B8 | 26.0 23.5
7 Wells,Yung-Shin 1204 TAS 4.0 | +W13 +B12 -W4 -B2 -W5 +W14 +B10 | 20.5 20.5
8 Ford,Louise 0 TAS 3.0 | -W4 -B2 +W14 +B10 +W9 -B3 -W6 | 25.0 25.0
9 Blain-Lawry,Wes 0 TAS 3.0 | +B11 -W1 -B6 +W13 -B8 -B4 +W14 | 21.5 21.5
10 Robbie,Nicholas 0 TAS 3.0 | -B6 -W3 +B11 -W8 +B14 +B13 -W7 | 20.0 20.0
11 Li,Tian 0 TAS 3.0 | -W9 -B5 -W10 +B14 +W13 +B12 -W2 | 19.5 19.5
12 Burns,Jackson (W) 0 TAS 2.0 | +B14 -W7 +B13 -W3 -B6 -W11 -- | 20.0 20.0
13 Joyce,Tobin 0 TAS 1.0 | -B7 +W14 -W12 -B9 -B11 -W10 -W5 | 19.5 19.5
14 Norris,Tyler 0 TAS 0.0 | -W12 -B13 -B8 -W11 -W10 -B7 -B9 | 19.5 18.5
15 Munnings,Daniel (W) 0 TAS 0.0 | -- -- -- -- -- -- -- | 17.5 16.5
Unfortunately, Will Rumley wasn’t able to play his round seven game because of a clash with a schools mathematics competition.
All the winners