Volume 10 now available.
From TCA President Denis McMahon
On behalf of the T.C.A., it gives me much pleasure to welcome the reader to Volume 10 of Chess: Tasmanian Records and to thank Neville Ledger most sincerely for his efforts in producing this important resource. As most readers will know, Neville has been actively involved in chess administration for over sixty years, and the survival of chess in Tasmania is due in no small measure to his efforts. The T.C.A. has nominated Neville for the 2015 Koshnitsky Medal, awarded annually in recognition of services to chess by the Australian Chess Federation. In our citation for this nomination, Dr. Kevin Bonham noted that, “Neville's Chess: Tasmanian Records series of publications are a very important resource for state organisers seeking to understand the past history of chess administration in the state.” And so say all of us!
In this Volume, readers will find detailed results of all major tournaments played in 2015 – and many minor ones as well, together with club reports, the most recent player ratings, some chess administrivia and a rich games archive.
The end of an Era - Vol.10 to be the last.
It is the end of an era as Tasmanian chess legend Richard Neville Ledger (Tasmanian Champion 1965, Tasmanian Lightning Champion 1978, and Tasmanian Open winner 1992) hands in his pen and announces that the latest issue of Chess: Tasmanian Records will be the last.
Volume 10 of Chess: Tasmanian Records, and all previous volumes, are available from Neville, or at your local Tasmanian chess club. The publications are free, but a postage charge will be charged to the buyer. If you would like to contact Neville for copies please don't hesitate to put in an order below.