TCA AGM Minutes 12th of March 2006

Annual General Meeting held in Burnie, 12th of March 2006, during the Tasmanian Championships

Meeting Opened:

1:00 pm


  • Leo Minol (President/Launceston delegate),
  • Graham Richards (Vice-President),
  • Kevin Bonham (Secretary),
  • Phil Donnelly (Webmaster/Ratings Officer),
  • Nigel Frame (HICC delegate), and
  • Tony Dowden.


MOVED Graham/Phil that the minutes of the AGM of 13/6/05 be accepted. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Matters Arising:

Tasmanian Junior Interschools: Kevin reported on failure of negotiations to settle ACF schools levy issue in manner satisfactory to ACF and David Cordover (see items of correspondence from Richard Gastineau-Hills 25 Aug 05).

MOVED Graham/Nigel that the incoming executive liaise with David Cordover and the ACF to endeavour to resolve the current impass on fees.  CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Record of motions passed between meetings by email:

  • 21/7/05 “That the TCA accepts David Cordover’s proposal to run the Tasmanian Junior Championships 2005 as it stands and authorises ChessKids Tasmania to run this event in accordance with the specifications in the proposal document”.

Moved Phil.  For: Phil, Graham, Dallas Abstein: Kevin (COI) Motion Carried

  • 21/11/05 “That the TCA offers $300 to Norma Jamieson to be divided equally between each of the members of the team travelling to Melbourne to participate in the Chess Kids “National Schools Final – 2005 Championship event”.”

Moved Phil. For: Phil, Graham Abstein: Kevin (COI) Motion Carried

  • 8/2/06 “That the conditions for the conduct of the forthcoming Tasmanian Championships be determined by the Burnie Chess Club.”

Moved Graham.  For Phil, Graham, Leo (cv) Against: Kevin, Nigel. Motion Carried

  • 8/2/06 “That Phil Donnelly be asked to reconsider his resignation and stay in his current positions until at least the weekend of the Tasmanian Championships in Burnie”

Moved Graham.  For Graham, Nigel Abstein: Phil, Kevin. Motion Carried

  • 8/2/06 “That as well as the question of Junior Chess, the meeting of the TCA in Burnie examine the decision making processes of the TCA”

Moved Graham.  For Graham, Kevin, Phil Against: Nigel. Motion Carried.

Correspondence In:

  1. David Cordover, 13 June 05, Tas Junior Champs
  2. David Cordover, 19 July 05, Tas Junior Champs
  3. David Cordover, 28 July 05, Tas Junior Champs
  4. Richard Gastineau-Hills, 25 Aug 05, ACF Schools Levy – David Cordover requests waiver
  5. Russell Horton, 2 Sep 05, Request for reduced entry fee for Junior Champs player
  6. David Cordover, 20 Sep 05, Report on Tas Junior Champs
  7. Leo Minol, 8 Oct 05, Tas Junior Champs and Chess Kids
  8. Phil Donnelly, 12 Oct 05, TCA roles – webmaster and ratings officer
  9. Norma Jamieson MLC 4 Nov 05, sponsorship request
  10. Phil Donnelly, 21 Nov 05, Motion re Norma Jamieson request
  11. Leo Minol, 3 Dec 05, junior development fund motion
  12. Phil Donnelly, 9 Dec 05, longer time limit proposal Tas Champs
  13. Norma Jamieson MLC 16 Dec 05, thankyou letter
  14. Leo Minol, 20 Dec 05, defer Junior development fund motion
  15. Phil Donnelly, 22 Dec 05, longer time limit proposal Tas Champs
  16. Phil Donnelly, 5 Feb 06, as above
  17. Phil Donnelly, 7 Feb 06, as above
  18. Phil Donnelly, 7 Feb 06, resignation from all TCA roles
  19. Graham Richards, 7 Feb 06, motions on Tas Champs
  20. Phil Donnelly, 9 Feb 06, withdrawing resignation as BCC delegate
  21. Kevin Bonham, 15 Feb 06, longer time limit proposal Tas Champs
  22. Phil Donnelly, 18 Feb 06, as above
  23. Phil Donnelly, 23 Feb 06, withdraws resignations as ratings officer and webmaster
  24. Kevin Bonham, 26 Feb 06, officebearer nominations
  25. Leo Minol, 1 Mar 06, new Launceston delegate
  26. David Christian, 8 Mar 06, final notice of resignation and accounts
  27. Alexander Saint, 8 Mar 06, Australian Internet Champs for adults

Correspondence Out:

  1. TCA exec, 21 July 05, notice of motion
  2. David Cordover, 24 July 05, Tas Junior Champs
  3. TCA exec, 29 July 05, results of voting
  4. Russell Horton, 2 Sep 05, Request for reduced entry fee for Junior Champs player
  5. TCA exec, 11 Oct 05, officebearers and Chess Kids teams events
  6. TCA exec, 4 Nov 05, Jamieson letter
  7. TCA exec, 21 Nov 05, notice of motion
  8. TCA exec, 29 Nov 05, results of voting
  9. Norma Jamieson MLC 29 Nov 05, funding request
  10. TCA exec, 3 Dec 05, Junior Development Fund motion
  11. TCA exec, 21 Dec 05, motion deferred
  12. TCA exec, 8 Feb 06, notice of motions
  13. TCA exec, 16 Feb 06, HICC delegate/result of voting
  14. TCA exec, 20 Feb 06, notice of meeting

MOVED Graham/Nigel that inwards correspondence be received and outwards endorsed.  CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.

Discussion of Correspondence:

Junior Champs: MOVED Nigel/Graham that we invite David Cordover to submit an expression of interest for the Tasmanian Junior Championships prior to the June meeting.  Invitation to include an expression of thanks for hosting the 2005 event and to mention the following issues: Launceston qualifier, timely entry form, certificates endorsed and if possible presented by the TCA.  CARRIED. (Abstention: Kevin, conflict of interest.)

Treasurer’s Report   David Christian’s final Treasurer’s Report tabled showing current balance of $1802 with outstanding liabilities of $110 leaving net funds of $1692.  $300 offered to St Brendan Shaw remains unclaimed. 

MOVED Graham/Nigel that we write to David Christian conveying thanks for his work as Treasurer.  CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

President’s Report Tabled.  MOVED Nigel/Graham that president’s report be accepted.  CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.  The meeting thanked Leo Minol for his service as President. 

Election of Office Bearers:

  • PRESIDENT: Graham Richards
  • VICE-PRESIDENT: Phil Donnelly
  • TREASURER: No nominee.  Graham to ask Mike Midson.
  • SECRETARY: Kevin Bonham
  • RATINGS OFFICER: Phil Donnelly
  • JUNIOR CHESS OFFICER: No nominee.  Phil to ask Russell Horton.
  • WEBMASTER: Phil Donnelly

All elected unopposed – nomination for Ross George as webmaster disallowed as not present.

Graham Richards took the chair.  Graham stated his aims as President would be to streamline the TCA’s decision making process, foster development of chess and raise the profile of chess, and that he would generally allow 10 minutes for discussion of agenda items except where the meeting desired an extension.

General Business:

Junior Chess Development:

MOVED Leo/Phil That a TCA Junior Chess Development Fund of $500 be established and propped up annually by 10% from TCA’s net annual income.

Procedural Motion: MOVED Tony/Kevin that the motion be deferred to the June meeting subject to referral of the issue to the Junior Chess Officer (if appointed) for input.  CARRIED.

OUTCOME: Original motion deferred.

MOVED Nigel/Leo that the U18 Champion be invited to attend the next state championships with entry fee paid by the TCA.  CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED Graham/Phil that all member clubs be asked to appoint club Junior Chess Officers to assist the TCA Junior Chess Officer as required.  CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED Graham/Nigel that the Junior Chess Officers and other interested people meet at the June weekend to recommend a program of junior-friendly events.  CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

TCA Decision Making Procedures:

MOVED Graham/Nigel that subject to a quorum being present, there will be an executive meeting of the TCA at the end of every Tasmanian weekend tournament. CARRIED

MOVED Graham/Nigel that all decisions of the TCA executive be made at face to face meetings except:

  1. (a)   if the Secretary decides that the matter is purely administrative or noncontentious
  2. (b)  if the Secretary decides a matter is of such urgency that a matter must be resolved before the next face to face meeting

The decisions of the Secretary under (a) and (b) above may be challenged by any executive member whereupon an email vote of the executive as to the status of the motion will be taken.  CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

TCA event approval process:

MOVED Kevin/Tony that from 2007, member clubs hosting the Championships or the Open be required to provide the TCA a draft entry form for approval containing the following details: (hours of play, number of rounds, venue, time control, chief arbiter, tournament conditions, prize distrubution) by 7 weeks prior to the tournament.

AMENDMENT: Phil/Leo that organisers be requested to submit entry forms by 7 weeks prior or required by 4 weeks prior at the absolute latest.  AMENDMENT LOST

AMENDMENT: Nigel/Leo that the requirement is 4 weeks AMENDMENT LOST

ORIGINAL MOTION CARRIED 2-1 (abstein: Nigel, Leo, against: Phil)

Public Officer position:

Required for registration of web address as non-profit organisation.

MOVED Kevin/Tony that we create this position.  CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.

Phil Donnelly elected unopposed.

TCA Website:

Phil asked for feedback regarding new TCA website at  Various positive comments were made.  Ideas raised: multiple Java games, club pages can be expanded if clubs supply content.

Adult Internet Competition:

See item from Alexander Saint in correspondence.  Kevin undertook to attempt to be co-ordinator for Tasmania subject to irregular availability and satisfaction of the organisers with this condition.

Conclusion of Tournaments:

MOVED Nigel/Kevin For three day events no round to be scheduled to finish later than 2 pm on the final day.

Procedural motion: MOVED Tony/Leo that the motion be deferred until next meeting.  PROCEDURAL MOTION CARRIED (Against: Nigel, Abstein: Kevin)


Phil noted that the organisers of the current Tasmanian Championships would circulate forms for entrant feedback on this and other aspects of the 2006 Tasmanian Championships.

Womens and Senior Championships:

MOVED Nigel/Leo From next year’s Tasmanian Championships provided there are at least two female entrants then the highest scoring female be awarded the title of Tasmanian Womens Champion.  CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED Nigel/Leo From next year’s Tasmanian Championships that there be a title of State Senior Champion for the highest scoring player aged 60 and over.  CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Tasmanian Championships Structure:

MOVED Nigel/Leo (seconded pro forma) that the 2007 State Championships include a top division consisting of the reigning champion, the winners of 3 regional titles, the U18 Champion, and the highest rated player on the list (the latter replaced by the Reserve Champion from 2008).  The event to be held using Fischer time controls.  Parallel to that there be a Reserves division open to all.  Entry fees paid when entering regional division events.

Procedural motion: MOVED Tony/Phil that the proposal be deferred to next meeting and referred to clubs for consultation/comment.  PROCEDURAL MOTION TIED and CARRIED on casting vote.  (Against: Nigel, Kevin). 

OUTCOME: Original motion deferred.  Nigel to circulate proposal.  Graham to obtain HICC feedback.

Meeting closed:


Next Meeting:

12 June 2006, Hobart, following Tasmanian Open.